Dismantling Unconscious Bias and Creating New Expectations for Equity and Inclusion with Wema Hoover

Despite our best intentions to be fair and objective, unconscious bias based on our society’s expectations of age, gender, race or other aspects of identity can creep up in all kinds of everyday opportunities. In a recent Fast Company article, Wema Hoover identified her own unconscious bias when she almost prevented her daughter from attending a finance and career program at a conference because she felt she was too young. 

Wema’s story reminds us that everyone deserves an equal opportunity to pursue any endeavor of their choosing, and age, gender, and race should never be a factor in determining potential success. Read on to learn how you can break the cycle, pay it forward, cocreate new expectations and make the world a better place. 

Maximize your team’s potential with DEI speaker Wema Hoover! Email info@bigspeak.com to inquire.