Want to Become A Keynote Speaker?

Want to Become A Keynote Speaker? Tips and Tricks from a Top Business Speakers Bureau

Are you curious about taking the leap into keynote speaking? Have you been dreaming of being on a stage inspiring audiences with your knowledge and insights? There’s never been a better time to set out on the journey, but getting started can be daunting. Here are some great next steps to help you build your speaking business:

Do you want to inspire audiences and be an amazing keynote speaker? Then check out these resources to get started or advance your skill:

  • Apply to speak at TedX events. Watching other TEDTalks could be useful in terms of refining your presentation and getting a few ideas.
  • Apply to speak for EO and Vistage chapters. We recommend starting with a really tight and amazing 30-minute talk, followed by Q&A.
  • When you are speaking in front of an audience, ask ahead of time if they will be recording or if you can bring in a small camera crew (two people and three cameras would be great). That way you’ll have some footage to use to promote your speaking, which is key to getting hired.  Check out our advice on what you should have in your speaker reel to really showcase yourself!
  • The National Speakers Association is ideal for making connections with other speakers and for learning about running a speaking business as well as how to deliver better programs.
  • Impact Eleven is a great resource for helping you launch and grow your speaking business if you are willing to invest. BigSpeak has sent a number of speakers to them. They are first-class and get results. If you contact them, please mention BigSpeak. They’ll take good care of you.
  • Toastmasters – this organization teaches public speaking and leadership skills worldwide. In fact, there is likely a toastmasters group in your area. Attend a couple of meetings, and get hooked on learning each session on how to better your craft.
  • Check out Speaker Launcher. Accelerate your keynote speaking business through their Ready, Aim, Fire methodology.
  • The International Association of Speakers Bureaus website has great information and resources to get you started on the right foot.

BigSpeak is an “invitation only” bureau, meaning that we do not accept unsolicited speaker applications. We typically invite business-related speakers who are established on the speaking circuit as paid keynote speakers, with video footage and a published book. Please keep us in mind when you reach this level and we would love to partner with you at that point.

Good luck!