YSL Beauty’s Scent-Sation with Tan Le

Imagine being able to capture the unique smell of anywhere you find yourself happy – be it a tropical vacation, a crisp rainy day, a bakery, or hiking in the sunshine – and having it re-created in a fragrance. What if your perfect scent could be identified by a brain scanner at your nearest perfume counter? Although this may sound like fantasy, it is fast becoming a commercial reality thanks to neuroscience wizards like technology entrepreneur and keynote speaker,  Tan Le.

In June 2022 at the Paris tech conference, L’Ore?al unveiled YSL Beauty’s Scent-Sation created with the help of Tan Le’s neurotech company Emotiv. This cutting edge in-store experience uses sophisticated headsets to detect customers’ emotional response to different scent families and individual notes which then inform an algorithm that recommends specific YSL fragrances best suited for them. Customers can explore these scents in an engaging yet attentive way before choosing their favorite fragrance.

We’re quickly approaching a future where smelling good is not just about finding the right ingredients but also about harnessing the power of science and technology to fulfill the customers’ needs. For the full story, visit Vogue.
