4 Simple Ways to Get Excited about Your Work Day

If you’ve ever woken up and hit the snooze button 5 times, dreaded going to work, made excuses for skipping your gym routine, or procrastinated paying your bills, you are not alone. Believe it or not, there are very simple yet powerful ways to shift your perspective and easily turn certain “chores” into labors of love. The Founders of the Life is Good company, Bert Jacobs and John Jacobs, started their company with $78 by selling t-shirts out of their van, and today, Life is Good is a $100 million positive lifestyle brand. In their inspiring keynotes, and bestselling book, the brothers share the powerful ways that they have embodied and spread positivity—even in spite of challenges and adversity—to achieve fulfillment and success in business and in life.

  • “Get to” instead of “Have to”

Most of us have had days where we’ve thought or even murmured the words “I have to go to work today” or “I have to cook dinner” with the negative connotation that we are being forced into doing something we might not entirely want to do. Instead, John Jacobs suggests using the phrase “get to.” You get to go to work because you are employed, you get to cook dinner because you have access to food, electricity, and running water. Small changes like this in your daily lexicon are powerful enough to shift your perspective from seeing life as full of obstacles to seeing life as full of opportunities.

  • Tell Me Something Good that Happened Today

While it’s important to learn from mistakes, take risks, and embrace failure, it’s equally important to consciously recognize the positive things that go well during your day. Bert and John Jacobs suggest starting team meetings, or even a family dinner or conversation with an old friend by saying, “Tell me something good that happened today.”  By thinking of just one positive experience, as simple as a text from a friend, or getting to eat a delicious sandwich at lunch, you are actively training yourself to focus on the ways life is good, even when it is not perfect.

  • Succeed or Learn

Fear is one of the major roadblocks to success. We often try avoid situations in which the outcome is uncertain or risky. Realizing that the only two outcomes of a task or situation are that you either succeed or learn from it removes the pressure element. It creates two positive outcomes, rather than one positive and one possible negative. Whether you’ve been holding off on trying a new innovation in your company, adding more weight to your gym routine, or attempting a new dinner recipe, keep in mind that best case scenario you will succeed with great results, and worst case scenario you will learn what you can do better next time.

  • Blur the Line

In Life is Good: The Book, Bert and John claim having fun at work is not a diversion from productivity, but rather an essential element to staying motivated and creatively solving problems. They suggest bringing a bit of your child-like spirit into your job and daily tasks to help blur the line between work and play. Whether that means playing your favorite music at the office or turning housecleaning into a dance party, find out what fun means to you and bring it into every aspect of your life.

Embracing fun, practicing gratitude, and focusing on the positive are simple ways you can wake up feeling energized and achieve your goals each day. Remember to stay positive, because even when life isn’t perfect or easy, John Jacobs assures us that life is still good.

If you are interested in booking a happiness expert or motivational speakers for your next conference or event, contact BigSpeak Speakers Bureau at info@bigspeak.com or (805) 965-1400.

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