Peter Guber Attributes Warriors’ Win to Teamwork and Culture

We’re thrilled to let you know that CEO and business speaker, Peter Guber’s NBA team, the Golden State Warriors, won the NBA Championship title last night.  After owning the team for only 4 1/2 years, this is a tremendous accomplishment for the talent both on and off the court.  However, when asked about the tremendous achievement, Guber did not cite the efforts of any particular player, play, step leading up to the championship, or stroke of luck – rather Guber notes that the Golden State Warriors are an incredible organization, with hard effort both on and off the court, incredible teamwork from all parties involved, and most importantly, a phenomenal culture that led the organization to achieve greatness.

“I can be appreciative of everybody’s success and everybody’s participation in it and recognize that this isn’t an individual, it’s a team. It’s not a collection of players, it’s a team, it’s an organization, it’s a culture. Businesses that have culture have winning records, and they aspire – not just perspire – to greatness. I really think this organization, this team, these players, they bonded, and they made that magic happen. I was along for the ride. I love it.” – Peter Guber


Peter Guber