The Future of HR is Here – 2015 Trends You Should Know

Commerce is now more connected, more fast-paced, and more global than ever before. Work today simply isn’t what it used to be. Gone are the rigid 8-5s and single-company career trajectories; in their place are increasingly flexible schedules, remote offices, outsourcing platforms and project-driven positions

Conducting the evolving practices is an equally evolving workforce, a legion of workers whose skill sets and demands are shifting with the technologies and trends of the times.  Figuring out just who 21st century employees are and what they want has become more than crucial for leaders in 2015 — it has become the key to survival.

Handling these tough questions are the HR departments,. They are the gatekeepers to work culture, fielding potential employees and fostering the emotional well-being of personnel. With a new influx of college graduates beginning the job hunt, June is the perfect month for HR employees to investigate solutions for adapting their work culture to their 21st century workers who are more diverse, tech-savvy, and purpose oriented.

In an April speech at the Society for Human Resource Management’s 2015 Talent Management Conference, Ben Casnocha explained that in this generation, employers will be most successful by understanding their relationship with employees as a mutually beneficial alliance. “Stop thinking of employees as family or free agents, and start thinking of them as allies on a tour of duty,” he was quoted as saying on an article posted on SHRM’s website. HR managers ought to hire and maintain employees not on the false pretense of loyalty (an outdated concept, he says), but on a shared trust based on how the worker’s skills can serve a set of projects, and how the company can serve the worker’s career.

New talent management trends are in large part the result of globalization and increased interconnectivity. As companies continue to outsource, they have entirely new cultures to understand and grow with. The outsourcing model has changed domestically, too. As geographic barriers break down across the Internet, so too do traditional “family” style of work environments, with their loyal employees remaining for decades within the same office — now, work can be done anywhere, anytime, with more employees working from home or wherever their laptop may take them.

How do you hold onto these employees if they’re working remotely? How do you match the goals of your company with the individual needs of your workforce? And with so many millennials filling the work pool, how do you transform your old business culture to a young breed that demands new and meaningful work?

Read on to find out more about employee retention, diversity, and millennials.


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